Author name: Holli

Not one to settle for status quo, Holli has spent her 20 year career shaking up the multifamily industry. From creating unheard of building amenities to designing lounge-like leasing centers, to major Pinterest fails in the kitchen, she is ever experimenting. It’s no surprise that she created a new way to match apartment renters with their perfect home. Holli is a featured speaker and session facilitator at regional and national industry conferences. When she’s not brainstorming the next marketing campaign, you can find Holli testing the limits of bottomless brunch or climbing the Peloton Leaderboard!

Apartment Marketing | Multifamily Instagram Use | Apartminty

#InstaAudit-5 Tips to Optimize Instagram Performance

How to win new customers and high engagement with Instagram There are multiple social media channels to choose from when marketing your community.  We love Instagram because its lower barrier of entry means that anyone with a smart phone can participate on the platform.  For us that equates to a very large pool of renters

#InstaAudit-5 Tips to Optimize Instagram Performance Read More »

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