
Ready for a fresh approach to your apartment marketing? Join the best minds in multifamily as we share tips for staying ahead in ever the changing arena of digital marketing and social media.

content marketing doesn't work or does it

Content Marketing Doesn’t Work…or does it?

Year after year at every conference we attend, there are at least one if not twenty sessions regarding content marketing. After all the hype about content marketing, we’re seeing a backlash and marketers everywhere are rebelling against the concept. But this doesn’t spell the end of content marketing. What it does mean is that property

Content Marketing Doesn’t Work…or does it? Read More »

Think You Need a Big Budget to Modernize Your Model … Think Again!

As a marketer, you work so hard to generate traffic for your on-site teams. Blog posts, reputation management, Craigslist, ILS advertising, etc. So your team finally gets a prospective resident into the property and then what? Hopefully, they take your prospective resident to see a model apartment. When is the last time you walked through your model and looked

Think You Need a Big Budget to Modernize Your Model … Think Again! Read More »

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