Renters Guide To Chicago
The Perfect Gifts For Your Nearest and Dearest
We’re pinching ourselves trying to figure out how quickly this year flew by! It’s been an amazing 12 months and now it’s time to celebrate and spend time with our loved ones. The holiday season should be a time of joy and togetherness, not stress...
Doing Good This December
Coming off of our Thanksgiving high, we spent the weekend thinking of all the things we have to be thankful for…including all of you. We truly appreciate your support during Apartminty’s first year. Inevitably there have bumps, hiccups, and growing pains and we...
Small Business Saturday: Spotlight on Newport, Rhode Island
As a small, women-owned business and big supporters of our local communities, we love when Small Business Saturday comes around. Towns and cities are shaped by the hard-working visionaries who identify a void or opportunity in their neighborhood and do something...
Post-Thanksgiving Feast: 12 Minute Workout
Thanksgiving has come and gone but if you’re anything like us, you’re wishing that the evidence of holiday indulgence was gone too! Lucky for us (and you), our in-house trainer Brady is here with a quick, fat blasting workout you can do right in your...
Think You Need a Big Budget to Modernize Your Model … Think Again!
As a marketer, you work so hard to generate traffic for your on-site teams. Blog posts, reputation management, Craigslist, ILS advertising, etc. So your team finally gets a prospective resident into the property and then what? Hopefully, they take your prospective...
Team Motivation is About More than Bonuses
We make customer service a priority for our employees, but how are we serving our employees? I’ve worked for several different managers in my time in property management. There are two types of managers: bosses and leaders. The bosses can be great at their job and if...
Throwing a Grown Up Halloween Party
Halloween is right around the corner and we’re getting into the holiday spirit! Halloween parties aren’t just for kids, but a touch of sophistication can take your gathering from cheesy to classy in an instant. Here are some of our favorite picks for...
Quick Marketing Wins on a Shoestring Budget
We love what Bill Szczytko has to say about easy marketing wins you can execute on a budget!
Throwing a Dinner Party on a Budget
Good company, great food, and delicious drinks are the recipe for a perfect dinner party. Regardless of the occasion and your financial limits, you can throw an amazing dinner party without too much effort. Don’t let the thought of spending too much hold you back...
Work-Free Sundays: Why You Should Be Collaborating Like an Impressionist Painter
Living in DC has its benefits. One of my favorites is the exposure to incredible works of art … for FREE. This weekend I had the opportunity to visit the Degas Cassatt exhibit at the National Museum of Art. If you are in DC, you have got to GO SEE THIS! Do yourself a...
Quick Clean Up Tips
It happens to the best of us. You get a last minute call from friends or family that they are coming into town soon but your apartment is a mess. Whether it is the day before, an hour before, or minutes before their arrival you’ve got major tidying up to do. Before...
Natural Odor Eliminators For Your Apartment
The dog days of Summer are here, and summer in the city usually means we’re in for some funky smells. Walk through any grocery store or home goods store and you are guaranteed to find various brands of air fresheners for your home. These will do the trick, but...
Small Appliances Worthy of Counter Space
When living in an apartment, chances are you will not have the luxury of a large kitchen. You may have very little space to work with, which means you have some decisions to make. There are so many small appliances out there, all of which seem very appealing for...
Navigating a New City
Moving to a new city can be intimidating. How do I get around? Where is the nearest public transportation? Where do I go for the best meals? These are all questions that will probably pop into your head once you’ve made your move. Luckily, there are multiple...
5 Things That Drive Your Landlord Crazy
Renting has many perks- as a renter, you’ll avoid paying for home improvements, you’re not responsible for paying homeowner’s tax and insurance, and when your lease is up, moving on is pretty simple. The reality is that your landlord has to deal...
Have an Awesome Fourth of July
Independence Day weekend is right around the corner and we can’t wait to celebrate with our friends and family! While there are plenty of events happening throughout our communities, we’re going to take advantage of our awesome apartments and bring the...
How To Not Suck As A Roommate
A Friendly Guide From Holli And Maddie About How To Not Suck As A Roommate 1. Get A Job Not only do you have a serious sushi habit to support, but you’ve got to be able to pay your rent and bills on time, too. 2. Clean Up Your Act -do your dishes -take out the...
How to Keep Cool Without Air Conditioning
Summer is here in full force with heat waves striking across the country. While many can find refuge in their air-conditioned office, home or apartment, there are still plenty of us that do without. Whether you have access to AC or not, using it sparingly is good...