Security Measures for a Successful Move
Everybody wants to feel safe no matter where they live. The place that you call home should feel secure and comfortable — an area that you can relax and not have to worry. However, when you move into a new apartment or home, you’re faced with a new situation and may not know what risks await in your new home. There are a few ways to ensure that moving into your new place is a safe experience for everyone involved.
Making Sure Your Landlord Has Appropriate Security
The very first thing you should do is to make sure that your landlord has installed all of the required security and safety measures in your new place. Tenants have rights to adequate security, and if your landlord hasn’t provided windows that latch or fire alarms that work, they could be violating your rights, depending on where you live. Local laws concerning tenant rights are different not only from state to state, but often from town to town, so doing your research on what is and isn’t required should be a priority.
If your landlord isn’t required to have an alarm system installed prior to you moving in, having one put in doesn’t have to be stressful. Choosing the best alarm system to protect you and your belongings is as simple as deciding what you really want from an alarm system. While you can have entire home security systems installed, there are also portable personal alarms that you can not only have with you in your home, but you can bring them outside of it as well, adding an extra level of security if you plan on doing any early morning jogging.
Not All Threats Come From People
While it is important to protect your new home from intruders, even your home itself can pose certain risks. Slips and falls are surprisingly common home injuries, and keeping you or the moving company safe while moving in or out of a home is important. Check for loose stones on walkway, small ledges in front of entryways, or other hazards. Make sure that anyone entering or exiting your home is aware of them to avoid any potential spills.
Further, you’ll want to check outdoors for any signs of rust. Not only can rust pose a threat to those who have not been vaccinated for tetanus, but they can also lead to structural weaknesses, giving intruders entryways in your fencing, storage areas, or garages. Landlords may not be required by law to handle issues like these, so be vigilant when assessing the property.
Using a moving company is a great way to reduce the stress of a move, but you should always make sure you’re using a reputable one. Rely on recommendations from friends, family, or even aggregated reviews online to make sure you hire a company that won’t accidentally break or misplace any of your belongings.
Making Sure You Don’t Forget the Important Stuff
With all the things you have to get done on moving day, expect matters to get a little hectic. While you should absolutely pack and unpack your essentials first, it can be easy to forget important things that you might need on your first night in your new place. Ensuring that your locks are in good working order and that your AC and heating functions is vital — and since you’ll most likely be ordering out for your first meal, having working locks is pretty important.
While you most likely won’t be able to move everything on the first day, making sure you don’t forget key items is a good idea. Batteries for a flashlight if a power outage occurs, a broom or mop to clean up any spilled liquids or accidentally broken glass can prevent injury, and medical supplies just in case are all essentials you should bring for your first night in your new home.
Moving can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be if you are proactive about safety and security in your new home. Make sure your landlord has your back, don’t forget any of the important considerations above, and you should be comfortable in your new place right away.

Brooke Faulkner
Brooke Faulkner writes, parents, and adventures in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She loves sharing her experiences with other readers and learning what works for them! To see more of her writing, you can follow her on twitter: @faulknercreekITE