Seeking Space From Your Roommates During Self Isolation


Guest Post

Seeking Space From Your Roommate(s) During Self-Isolation

As of today, about 70% of Americans are still under some form of a lockdown or stay at home order due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the numbers change every day, many people have been forced to stay at home for weeks. If you live in an apartment or house with roommates, being “stuck” with them might start to wear on you after a while. 


Even being stuck in a small space with your friends can cause tension, but if you already aren’t the best of friends with your roommate, it can be an even bigger issue. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to seek space, center yourself, and reduce those tensions until restrictions are lifted. 

Take the Time To Enjoy Your Hobbies

If you’re “bored in the house and you’re in the house bored,” (and you’ve already been watching too many TikToks) take time to partake in some of your favorite hobbies. Not only can they help you to feel re-centered and more like yourself again, but doing things you enjoy can be done on your own, and your roommate is less likely to interrupt you. 


Whether you want to binge-watch your favorite show, do some late spring cleaning, or even complete a jigsaw puzzle, taking the time to do things you actually enjoy will keep you from getting bored while you’re stuck inside, and it will allow you some much needed alone time. 


This is also the perfect time to pick up a new hobby or to try a new activity like yoga. Not only can yoga help you to stay in shape during quarantine, but it’s a great way to reduce your stress while allowing you to focus on your breathing. If there has been tension brewing between you and your roommate(s), an activity like yoga can help you to remain calm and more relaxed. You don’t need a lot of room to practice yoga, and you can even switch a few things around in your living room or bedroom to make a calming and productive yoga space for yourself. 

Give Yourself Some Distance

Self-isolation doesn’t mean you need to stay indoors all the time. If your roommate is wearing on you, you can avoid conflict and reduce tension by putting some distance between the two of you. One of the best ways to do that is to get outside. 


According to research published in the Scientific Reports journal, spending just 30 minutes outside each day can help: 


  • Reduce stress
  • Lower risk of anxiety and depression
  • Lower blood pressure levels


So if you live in a small apartment or house and feel like you can’t get enough space just by going to a different room, go for a walk around your neighborhood or just sit outside for a while. Simply breathing in the fresh air and feeling less confined can make a big difference in your stress levels. 

Take Control of Your Own Lifestyle

Just because you’re living with a roommate, even if you’re stuck in a small apartment, doesn’t mean they dictate how you spend your time. Don’t feel obligated to do whatever they want to do or even feel as though you have to be there to “entertain” each other. 


It’s okay to ask for some space from your roommate. If you’re worried about how they might react or if they’ll get offended, you can easily use the excuse that you’re trying to “flatten the curve” and reduce the spread of Coronavirus by practicing social distancing. 


Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty because you don’t want to spend every waking second with those you live with. These are stressful and uncertain times, and taking time for yourself to unwind and relax is an important part of self-care. Whether that means cooking meals for yourself, spending more time in your room doing the things you enjoy, or getting some exercise alone, you’re in control of your own habits each day, and everyone you live with needs to be on board with that.

1 thought on “Seeking Space From Your Roommates During Self Isolation”

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